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EVAGUARD® 202 is a preservative system based on benzoic and dehydroacetic acid dissolved in benzyl alcohol. The product provides a wide range of protection against bacteria, yeast, and mold for a wide range of cosmetics.
The components included in EVAGUARD® 202 are approved for use in natural and organic cosmetics in accordance with the main certification standards (Ecocert, Soil Associaton, BDIH, AIAB, Natrue).
EVAGUARD® 202 was developed to meet the growing demand for mild preservatives approved for use in natural and organic cosmetics.
It is recommended for use in formulations with a pH from 3.0 to 6.0 max.
- Liquid
- Preserving agent
- 3-6
- Уход за волосами
- Уход за лицом и областью вокруг глаз
- Декоративная косметика
- Средства для бритья
- Уход за телом
- Солнцезащитные средства
- Средства для ванны
- Детская косметика
- Влажные салфетки
- Дезодоранты и антиперспиранты
- 80°С
- В целом 0,4-1,0%
- В смываемых средствах 0,4-0,8%
- В несмываемых средствах 0,6-1,0%
- Максимально разрешенная дозировка в РФ - 1,23%
- Широкий спектр антимикробной активности
- На основе безопасных и признанных во всем мире ингредиентов
- Мягкая консервирующая система
- Подходит для натуральной и органической косметики
- Относительно низкие уровни ввода от 0,4 до 1,0% и синергизм с другими консервантами
It is a liquid mixed preservative with a wide spectrum of action, consisting of four parabens (methyl-, butyl-, ethyl and propyl paraben) in phenoxyethanol. The operating pH range is 3-8. The recommended input level is 0.4–1.2%
It is a liquid preservative based on benzyl alcohol, enhanced with the multifunctional ingredient ethylhexylglycerin. It can be used in natural formulations. The operating pH range is 3-12. The recommended input level is 0.5–1.0%
a mild blended preservative with a wide spectrum of action based on food preservatives. It is suitable for use in various products, including natural formulations. The operating pH range is 3-5.5. Input level 0.5-1.5%